
5 May 2020

New Research Re-examines the Cause of a Red Wine Headache

While red wine has been described as a dominant trigger of migraines and cluster headaches, white wine, champagne, sparkling wines, and beer have also been linked to headaches. The mechanism through which alcohol can trigger these distinct headache disorders is not well understood. A cocktail headache is a headache that occurs within as little as three hours after drinking alcohol. It’s not the same as a hangover headache, which occurs the morning after drinking too much.

For instance, people who experience alcohol headaches after drinking are likely to suffer the same each time they drink even if it’s after one drink. In addition, if you are prone to migraine headaches, then there is a high chance that you will have headaches after driving can alcohol cause migraines alcohol. According to research also, women are more likely to experience headaches than mean after drinking alcoholic beverages. Chemicals called congeners are also a component of alcoholic drinks. These chemicals may also trigger migraine headaches in certain people.

Should people with migraine avoid alcohol?

How much the wine touches grape skins during fermentation, as well as how it is clarified and aged, can also influence quercetin levels. To make red wine, wine makers leave the grape skins in during fermentation, whereas they remove the skins when making white wine; that’s why red wine contains more quercetin than white. Now, the authors of the new study think they may have found the answer. Some researchers previously believed that histamines—compounds involved in the immune response—found in red wine could trigger headaches. However, multiple research papers published in the early 2000s disproved this theory. However, scientists may be one step closer to determining what causes a headache after drinking red wine.

  • By Maggie O’Neill

    Maggie O’Neill is a medical reporter and 2020 Association of Health Care Journalists Fellow.

  • In fact, one Dutch study found that 25% of people who suffered from migraines had stopped drinking because it was either an actual or potential trigger.
  • There are many support options available that can help guide you through alcohol withdrawal, as well as abstaining from alcohol after withdrawal.

Mango, thyme, ginger, and asparagus are known to contain helpful properties for this purpose. Many people have turned to abstinence as their preventative measure for reasons stated above.

Tired of the headaches?

The number of drinks you have, what you are drinking, and what’s going on in your life may be the primary culprits, rather than alcohol itself. This prospective study looked at migraine diaries spanning up to 90 days. Wine, beer, and spirits did not elevate the risk of migraine with aura, but sparkling wine did. There are many support options available that can help guide you through alcohol withdrawal, as well as abstaining from alcohol after withdrawal.

Many of the same tips for preventing a headache after drinking also work for treating one. Hydration and electrolyte replacement is one of the best things you can do to help recover from an alcohol-induced headache. Make sure to avoid hydrating drinks that are heavy in sugar, as either low blood sugar or high blood sugar can make a hangover headache worse. As mentioned above, B vitamins such as B6 and B12 can also be helpful after drinking, and pain medication should be used sparingly and with caution. And many people are surprised to find out that it doesn’t take much alcohol to trigger them.

If you are unable to adequately replace fluids on your own, you may need to see a doctor.

As a physician, my best advice for decreasing or avoiding alcohol-related headaches is to take steps to change your relationship with alcohol. Monument is an online alcohol treatment platform that can help provide support every step of the way. You can get peer support, and explore treatment options like therapy and medication to stop drinking. Self-medicating with alcohol only creates an unhealthy cycle that can be hard to break, and leads to even more health issues in the long-term. It’s also worth noting that alcohol-induced anxiety, or ‘hangxiety’, can worsen and even cause headaches in some cases.

  • It can be difficult to fight withdrawal on your own, but setting up a treatment plan with a rehab facility can put you in a position to recover.
  • “If you get [a RWH], use the tools you have to get rid of it,” Pace said.
  • You might have tried some alternative therapies, but did you know about these complementary and integrative treatments?
  • The main ingredient in alcohol that is responsible for a sore head is ethanol.
  • However, more research is needed when it comes to specific types of red wine.

Other common symptoms of AWS include tremors, anxiety, stomachaches, and palpitations. You can consider going for foods such as bread that will help raise the blood sugar. In addition, fructose-containing foods also help metabolize the alcohol content more rapidly. Add electrolytes in the food to help increase the calories and as well replenish the dehydrated system. Regarding white wine recommendations, “Sauvignon blanc, chardonnay, or sparkling wines are lower in histamines,” said Woods. However, more research is needed when it comes to specific types of red wine.